If you are thinking about improving your dental health by having an implant or implants placed, there are some things Dr. John Bosak, Jr. recommends that you consider.
Besides assessing how much it will cost and looking into what insurance benefits there are for these procedures, you need to ask yourself these questions.
– Will I follow guidelines given to me for the maintenance of this investment, such as regular hygiene appointments (which may be every three to six months)?
– Do I commit to taking care of myself further by following up with advised dental treatments?
– Has a dentist checked to ensure that the quality and quantity of jaw bone in the area is ready for an implant?
– Do I need to ask my medical doctor about potential special instructions, such as taking antibiotics before the procedure? Do I need medical clearance? Am I deficient in Vitamin D?
– Am I living with a chronic disease such as diabetes or gum (periodontal) disease that needs to be improved before I get dental implants?
– Have I taken or do I take medications which could interfere with a successful outcome (i.e., bone medications, blood-thinning medications)?
– Do I smoke (use cigarettes, recreational drugs, chewing tobacco)?
A successful outcome is never guaranteed in any procedure, but making the time to look at these factors will enhance the chances of everything turning out well.
If you have any concerns about getting dental implants in Granada Hills, California, and the surrounding areas, please discuss this with your dentist before proceeding.