Do you know the symptoms of bruxism? If your teeth or gums show signs of damage that cannot be readily explained, you may be suffering from bruxism. If you would like to know more about bruxism, listed below are some commonly asked questions:
What are the most often viewed signs and symptoms of bruxism?
– Bruxism often results in damage to the enamel, flat or worn out teeth, chipped and cracked teeth, earaches, jaw pain, chew marks on the inner cheeks, and indentations on the tongue.
What are other irregularities commonly linked to bruxism?
– Bruxism is commonly linked to and causes temporomandibular joint disorders in your jaw, and is also occasionally seen in individuals who suffer from sleep apnea.
How do you treat bruxism?
– Dentist-approved bite plates and night guards are highly effective tools in your battle against bruxism.
What is the definition of bruxism?
– Bruxism is an oral health disorder in which a person grinds or gnashes their teeth, often while a person is asleep.
No matter the oral health care treatment you desire, Dr. John Bosak, Jr. and our team are here to give you the smile you want. If you would like to schedule an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Granada Hills, California, please contact us at 818-368-5676 to speak with a member of our team. We look forward to improving your smile!