Having a dental checkup performed by our dentist twice each year is a critical component for maintaining a healthy mouth. Each of these appointments begins with a dental hygienist performing a thorough dental cleaning and polishing. This will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and any minor surface stains. Deeper stains may require a whitening treatment.
Dr. John Bosak, Jr. will examine your teeth, gums and mouth for any signs of problems. If he finds an area of concern, he will help you understand your treatment options. If the dentist has any concerns about the strength of your tooth enamel, he might recommend a fluoride treatment. This simple measure will help to rejuvenate some of the mineral density of your teeth. A fluoride treatment can also help prevent cavities from developing between your checkups. If your teeth show significant signs of tooth enamel erosion, he might provide you with a prescription for fluoride supplements. This might come in the form of a concentrated fluoride toothpaste, a pill or a specially formulated mouthwash.
If you live in the Granada Hills, California, region and you have an oral health concern, you should call 818-368-5676 to schedule an appointment. We are excited to see you soon!