Root Canals: Setting the Record Straight

There are many myths floating around about root canal therapy. Many of these myths are negative, so our dentist and team are more than happy to set the record straight. Myth: Root canals are painful. Many people associate root canal therapy with pain. This pain actually comes because of an infection of the tooth. The root canal treatment is done... read more »

Holiday Sweets Best Enjoyed in Moderation

With the winter holidays approaching, you may be enjoying many delectable delights that satisfy your sweet tooth. While these goodies certainly taste good and may add to the holiday spirit, sugar can be damaging to the teeth. When sugar is consumed by the bacteria that live in our mouths, the sugar is turned into cavity-causing acids. You should be aware... read more »

Chronic Dry Mouth

When the mouth experiences a lack of saliva, chronic dry mouth occurs. For a better understanding of why this is harmful and how to combat it, read below: - Saliva is essential for your oral health because it neutralizes acids on your teeth and washes away harmful bacteria and food particles. - Side effects of dry mouth consist of a... read more »

How Musicians Can Protect Their Smiles

As you play your favorite instrument, you don’t usually think about your smile. This can be dangerous and our dentist, Dr. John Bosak, Jr., asks you to keep your smile in mind. If you’re not careful, the bacteria on your instrument, the pressure on your mouth from playing, and even the way you use your instrument can put your teeth,... read more »

What You Should Know About Root Canal Therapy

If the dental pulp in the root canal of a tooth becomes infected, Dr. John Bosak, Jr. may recommend a root canal in Granada Hills, California. During this procedure, the infection is removed from the root canal (or canals) of the tooth and the tooth is sealed. Symptoms Sometimes, there will be no noticeable symptoms that a root canal is... read more »

Celebrate Halloween and Keep Your Smile

The loot of the Halloween season means extra risk of tooth decay for both you and your child. Dr. John Bosak, Jr. recommends that you safeguard your teeth and your child’s teeth against cavities with dental sealants in Granada Hills, California. What Are Dental Sealants? A dental sealant is a thin coating placed on the chewing surfaces of the molars... read more »

How Do My Teeth Become Stained?

It’s probably unsurprising to you that teeth whitening is one of the most popular of cosmetic dental services. Many people are self-conscious of their smiles because their teeth have darkened or yellowed over time. So, whatever type of staining you would like to remove from your teeth, we’re here to assist you! The shading of teeth can be affected by... read more »

What You Should Know About Toothaches

Do you have a toothache that continues to annoy you? If so, the most frequent cause of an actual toothache is damage to your pulp within the root of a tooth. Thus, it must be treated. In addition, if the pulp is damaged, it could lead to more serious problems, including infection and tooth loss. A toothache occurs due to... read more »

All About Primary Teeth

Your child’s baby teeth are important to his or her development. These teeth help them chew, speak, and smile. The primary teeth also hold the place for the permanent teeth to grow in. The health of the baby teeth is important because when one is lost too early, the permanent teeth can drift into the space. This can cause the... read more »

A Dental Restoration That Can Be Your Smile’s Crowning Glory

What is a dental crown? If one of your teeth is decayed or damaged, Dr. John Bosak, Jr. may recommend a dental crown in Granada Hills, California. A dental crown, which is tooth shaped, is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. When cemented in place, the dental crown will cover and protect the entire... read more »